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    Regensburg - search for advice in english :)


    I'm in Gernamy(Regensburg) in a bussiness trip and while searching for a girl to have some fun I found this forum.
    Unfortenaly I can't speak or read german so it is a bit hard to read your posts regarding the ladies (even with google translator).
    I'm opening this topic to ask for your help.
    I'm looking for a ladie for this weekend to have some fun. I would like to know which girl do you recommend and what is the price (from what I understood from translation they were around 50€/ 20 minutes but can you please confirm).
    Also could you please provide some information regarding if it is required some phone booking or if it is some brothel were I just do bussiness at the place.
    Please give me your recomendations in english so I can understand them.

    Thanks in advance.

    PS: If this post is in the wrong section of the forum, i'm sorry for my mistake and please move it to the correct section. thanks

    Hi there,

    pls put "Regensburg" in the window on the left of this sign, which looks like Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass.
    There you can see some reports about girls and their services and prices.
    On the top of each thread you see their advertising and if there is a link, you may see, where the girl is supposed to be this week.

    It is always advisable to speak with them on the phone to clearify, what they do and what they don't and if they have time now).

